Note: This book will be available only until early March.
First, all good fiction is character-driven. As Bradbury himself said, plot is only the footsteps the characters left in the snow as they raced through the story.
Besides, the story itself isn’t about what happens. The story itself is all about how the characters react to what happens.
In Writing the Character-Driven Story, I teach everything:
There are no bad story ideas. How to generate story ideas and how to write them.
How to write an exciting, engaging hook.
What should be in the opening of every story and how to write it.
How to write captivating settings, magnetic major scenes and quick, informative transition scenes.
And how to write endings. Not only the ultimate climactic scene, but the actual ending that comes after it.
Writing the Character-Driven Story is replete with examples. It also contains two extremely important writing exercises.
This concise book is all you need if you want to learn to write character-driven fiction. And remember, all good fiction is character-driven.
Internet search terms: character-driven fiction, hooks, setting, scene, openings, endings, writing
Available as an ebook at all ebook retailers. Click This Universal Link to go to the retailer of your choice.